

We do our best to find a suitable employee according to the needs of your company, thereby achieving the set goals.

Staffing through Staffpower means that we take care of the entire process, from finding an employee to recruiting, and we carry out systematic quality control of the employee so that you can focus on other important activities in your company.

We know from experience how difficult it can be to find a suitable employee, while at the same time trying to keep work processes going when volumes increase unexpectedly.

We offer a workforce in many different areas. We have hired more than 500 good employees for local companies, with mostly the wood, metal and furniture industries as well as the food industry represented.



Welders, locksmiths, assemblers, CNC and bending machine operators, shot peeners, metal painters

We offer a workforce for jobs such as welder, locksmith, assembler, CNC and bending machine operator/adjuster, shot peener and metal painter. When finding suitable employees, we rely on the existence of certificates and/or professional certification and previous experience in this field.



Carpenters, milling machine operators, sawmill operators, planing machine operators with previous experience

For example, in the woodworking sector, we recruit certified carpenters, (manual) milling machine operators, sawmill operators and planing machine operators.

Assembly line and skilled work

Assembly line and skilled work

Assembly line and skilled workers are hired into various fields of production.

Assembly line and skilled workers are an important link in keeping the production going, especially when the volumes increase or people suddenly become ill. We hire experienced assembly line and skilled workers for various production areas, such as the electronics, wood and textile industries.

Logistics and warehouse work

Logistics and warehouse work

Various skilled workers are hired into warehouses and logistics centers.

We recruit experienced skilled workers for warehouses and logistics centers, such as a forklift driver, assembler, warehouse operator, freight forwarder, packer, wheel loader and tractor driver, and truck driver.

Textiles and furniture

Textiles and furniture

Sewers, gluers, upholsterers with previous experience

In the field of textile and furniture production, for example, a seamstress, an upholsterer and a gluer are very important links. We will find a worker with suitable skills according to the customer’s wishes.



Certified high- and low-voltage electricians with previous experience.

Professionally certified and experienced high-voltage and low-voltage electricians find work in various fields of construction.

How is the recruitment process done?

Mapping customer needs

We will specify job characteristics and employee skills requirements.

We are looking for a suitable employee

We will create and publish a job advertisement. If necessary, we look for a suitable employer in our database.

We will introduce suitable candidates

We will identify the best candidates and present them to the customer.

We will start the staffing process

If all parties agree to the terms, we will process the necessary documents for the employee, such as a work permit and visa.

Employee accommodation and transportation

We will arrange employee transportation to the destination country and organise a place of residence.

Additional training and guidance

Additional training or guidance will be provided as needed.

The employee will start working

An employee can start in their new position.

Employee transportation

We will arrange employee transportation between work and residence.

We will perform quality controls

We ensure quality control and employment monitoring.

When your work is your passion,
you are a happy person.

Marika von Kühn – CEO / Project Manager